FAQ: I Cannot Tolerate The Taste Of Protein Shakes. Now What?
I Cannot Tolerate The Taste Of Protein Shakes. Now what?
I had bariatric surgery in 2001 - back then there was SOY PROTEIN. Funky, beany, stinky, soy protein. Yuk. You dealt with it. Done. Bodybuilder protein came in three flavors - chocolate vanilla strawberry - and they were all horrible. No one drank it for enjoyment, you drank it for what it did for you. It was part of the surgical deal. No one dared complain.
I can honestly say that I NEVER threw away a canister of protein or gave it away or even thought about not drinking it. WHY? My surgeons told me I had to drink it or bad things would happen - my body would use its own muscle & organs for fuel and I would lose even more hair. So I scooped the powder into the blender, added a drop of extract and some ice, I held my nose and drank my 2 or 3 awful shakes a day.
After weight loss surgery, protein is consumed for a PURPOSE - not because you want to sit around sipping it as if it were a frosty cold DQ shake on a hot day. You consume it for healing, body repair, muscle building and fuel for fat loss. TASTE IS SECONDARY. Taste is secondary. Taste is secondary. If I had to drink a glass of Toilet Water every day to lose the weight and keep the weight off, I would have asked Dr. Carrasquilla, 'How large a glass?'
Having said all that... when given the opportunity, I knew I could work with flavor specialists to create a formula for Inspire protein drinks that did taste good. I can make anything taste good in my kitchen, so why not in a food science lab?
Inspire protein powder tastes GREAT but don't lose focus of WHY you are drinking it. If right now your surgery has your taste buds whacked out, you still have to put on your big girl panties, suck it up and drink it!
Power through the bag BECAUSE ITS GOOD FOR YOU. Things will eventually calm down with your taste and you will understand just how good Inspire is. OR we can give you the name of some other proteins to try that would give you a fast appreciation for how good Inspire tastes. Bottoms up buttercup!