My 'WOKE' Moment That Changed Regain!
This was Gretchen's Ahhhh Haaaaa moment and it came courtesy of her very wise Primary Care Doctor.
This was posted one morning by Gretchen, a member of our No More Regain - BE Facebook Group. It was thoughtful and has made a great impact on many others.
Ten years ago I desperately needed two new knees. My Primary Physician said he would not refer me to an orthopedic surgeon until I lost 100 pounds. I just lost it on him, screaming and crying about how many times I’ve lost 100 pounds only to gain it back. I could not keep it off. He suggested bariatric surgery and his office staff got me an appointment in six weeks.
He said that in the meantime he wanted me to make my bed every morning. I said why should I do that?!?! He said don’t ask questions, just do it. So I made my bed every day and saw my Primary Doctor a week before my appointment with the surgeon. At that time he said that in order to succeed as a bariatric person, I had to do that same thing - follow directions even if I thought otherwise.
It’s all about developing habits. I did that for 9 years - following the instructions given to me by my Bariatric Surgeon, without questioning them. Then I got cocky and thought I knew better and began pushing the limits. Surprise! I had a major regain.
So, I started making my bed every morning.
After six weeks, I did the Inspire 48 Hour Pouch Reset followed by the Inspire Diet plan. I’m happy to say that I’m back on track! And I still make my bed every day. Forever. Thanks for reading my long story. I wrote it so I could read it everyday. Forever.