FAQ: Tummy Tuck 101. I'm Home... What now?
I feel better than I thought I would. I am looking down and can't believe this is my stomach - it's so flat. The doctor told me to not lift anything more than 10 lbs, but other than that what's the story if I feel good?
Bariatric Quick Guide to Portion Size & Hunger
16 Problems to Watch For After Bariatric Surgery - Part 1
IS the Struggle Real?
FAQ: Can I add fruit to Inspire shakes while on the Inspire Diet?
FAQ: Why can't I talk about other brands of protein drinks?
I didn't say anything bad, I was just trying to find out who else drinks the protein I buy at Walmart. I thought this was a Support Group!
My 'WOKE' Moment That Changed Regain!
This was posted one morning by Gretchen, a member of our No More Regain - BE Facebook Group. It was thoughtful and has made a great impact on many others.
10 Simple Do's and Don'ts of Post Op Life
There are different types of bariatric surgery and all kinds of program rules but it really boils down to just a few strong ground rules to follow that really apply to everyone ñ Lap Band, Sleeve or RNY.
FAQ: What's Wrong With Toast??? My Nut said I can have toast!
Frequently we have people who joined our groups asking for help to lose weight or their regain who fight with us to hang on to toast in their diets (or Tortillas, or Crackers, or Noodles or a bowl of Oatmeal) and get upset with us when we tell them NO.