Watermelon Water - Agua de Sandia
Vanilla Panna Cotta, no bake, no cook, sugar free!
No Sugar Blueberry Jellies
Sugar Free Baked Cinnamon 'Sugar' Doughnut Holes
Sweet Potato Pie - No Added Sugar
My husband is from Georgia and this was his request for Christmas dessert.
Cappuccino Panna Cotta - sugar free
This Italian dessert is a light spoonful of soft gelled pudding that instantly melts into an explosion of smooth cream when it hits your tongue.
Super Fudge Surprise Brownies! (no sugar added too)
These brownies are over the edge for rich fudgy flavor and they are high in protein and low in carbs as they do not contain flour! They are actually healthy, but you don't want to tell anyone that. People judge.
Chocolate Chip Cookies, no sugar added
They are a perfect nibble to make when you need a plate of festive sweets to share at a gathering of family, friends or office folk. It is nice to be a part of the group and NOT sabotage your path to goal.